Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stay on the ride...

So I've been compiling songs for my personal use today. I need to be brave right now, so, I scoured the interwebs for suggestions and begged my twitter peeps for theirs. I've got quite a good list brewing on my MP3 player, but I'm never going to be done with it. One always needs encouraging shots of, "DO it! Be brave! Life is waiting!" Want to see what I've been listening to?

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Maybe you can use a boost, too, eh? I know I'm going to use all the strength I can get between now and my big move this spring. If you come across a song that really lifts you up, let me know!


Friday, July 9, 2010

Some happy stuff...

A video that never fails to cheer me up: Eye of the Tiger with Jensen Ackles

One of my favorite songs in the world:

A quote for you:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most." ~ Marianne Robertson

Last, how about we all pretend we're here (click to enlarge):

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

From Anonymous...

I received an email entitled "Boldness Project" this morning, and the sender kindly gave me permission to share. Love to the sender for the courage it took to share this with me...

"Growing up I basically lived with my grandparents. I stayed there during the summer and everyday after school when my parents were working. What my sister and I didn't tell my parents was that my grandmother beat us. Not the usual spank and off to your room. I actual mean abuse. But we hid it because we knew our parents would take us away from my grandpa, who was my only reason for living. One day, for reasons I won't disclose, my grandmother kicked us ou and told us to never come back. On a flurry of action, my papa gave me a hug and whispered to me that everything would be okay. These are the words that I live by, now. No matter what happens to me, I know that it will all get better. Even though my papa passed away, I know that I have a guardian angel keeping me safe and happy."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

From Allison:

"My friend's grandson, Cole, likes balloons, but he doesn't like to hold onto them. He likes to take them outside and let them go and watch them disappear into the sky. He's okay with that, because he has faith that there will always be another one."

From Ally...

"To have an idea of what patience is, one need only watch a child learning to walk. It falls, falls again, and falls again, and yet it goes on trying, improving until one day it walks without falling. What could the grown up person achieve if he had the child's patience and its concentration in the pursuits which are important to him!"

Erich Fromm - The Power of Love
Via Katherine:

When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap.

~Cynthia Heimel, "Lower Manhattan Survival Tactics"

This Too Shall Pass...

Inspire you, inspire me...

I'll admit that the purpose of this blog is partly selfish. When I see other people finding their purpose, doing something brave, taking a leap, letting go and feeling something, it inspires me. It motivates me. And God only knows, we can all use a little motivation these days.

We're losing connectedness with our world. I'm serious. We've lost that sense of belonging to something greater than than ourselves. Our faces are buried in computer screens and wide screens and Ipad screens and video games and blada blah and you name it. A lot of us, especially those of us of a certain generation, have forgotten that we aren't made of chips or silicone or megapixals. WE... are human. We're living, breathing, thinking beings. And I believe that we're in danger of living out our lives entirely lacking in courage and one-on-one connectedness with each other. We're terribly distracted by this cool, unnatural, engrossing new world to the point where, sometimes, it doesn't even feel like we're a part of the real one. And that means that we're not experiencing it, we're hiding, a lot of the time, behind virtual reality. I'm guilty of it, and if you're reading this, you probably are too. Are you missing the beauty of what's outside your window? How often do you go out and stick your hands in the dirt and feel the roots of who you are? Anyway, my point here, is that you have a purpose, in fact, you have lots of them throughout your life, great and small, and a lot of us are losing the courage to pursue them.

Here's the reason for this blog. I want to see your acts of bravery, your connecting with each other and feeling something outside your homes, heck, inside your homes, just... doing something brave and real. Something you wouldn't normally do. I don't care if you run up and hug someone on the street. I don't care if you help some old lady carry her groceries to the car. You can rescue a kitten, try out for local theater, finally ask that girl out that you've been drooling over for months, sail off to an island all by yourself to live among the wild boars for all I care, but I want to hear about it. I want to see something real, something bold, something that leads to your destiny, one step at a time--something that alters you, even if it's just a spark of change.

So what am I asking of you? I'm asking for things to post: pictures, songs, quotes, poems, stories, vlogs, testimonials, random understandings, anything and everything from professional to amateur, it's all beautiful. And I'm asking that you share it with me and anyone else on this blog, so long as it's authentic, so long as it's from the heart. Email me with them, at