Wednesday, July 7, 2010

From Anonymous...

I received an email entitled "Boldness Project" this morning, and the sender kindly gave me permission to share. Love to the sender for the courage it took to share this with me...

"Growing up I basically lived with my grandparents. I stayed there during the summer and everyday after school when my parents were working. What my sister and I didn't tell my parents was that my grandmother beat us. Not the usual spank and off to your room. I actual mean abuse. But we hid it because we knew our parents would take us away from my grandpa, who was my only reason for living. One day, for reasons I won't disclose, my grandmother kicked us ou and told us to never come back. On a flurry of action, my papa gave me a hug and whispered to me that everything would be okay. These are the words that I live by, now. No matter what happens to me, I know that it will all get better. Even though my papa passed away, I know that I have a guardian angel keeping me safe and happy."

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